Privacy Policy

of the company develogics k. s., with registered seat Gogoľova 18, Bratislava 851 01,
Identification no. 48 061 859, registered at the trade register of the City Court Bratislava III,
Section: Sro, Nr.: 1529/B

This Privacy Policy sets out details of the data that we collect from you, how we use them, and how you can use your rights as a data subject. We collect and process your data, under all applicable laws and regulations, in particular with the regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council, the General Data Protection Regulation (hereinafter the “GDPR”), and the Act No. 18/2018 Coll. on the protection of personal data and on the alteration and amendment of some acts as amended.

Who is the controller of your data?

The controller of your data is company develogics k. s., with registered seat Gogoľova 18, Bratislava 851 01, Identification no. 48 061 859, registered at the trade register of the City Court Bratislava III, Section: Sro, Nr.: 1529/B.

Contact information:


Phone: +421 903 855 663, +421 905 706 033

We are ready to answer all your questions regarding to Privacy Policy of our company.

What data do we process?

We process two types of data: personal data and technical data.

We collect your personal data during our recruitment process from the filled form on our website and your cover letter (CV). You can find the form in the section “Jobs”.

We process the following personal data about you: first and last name, e-mail address, information included within your CV, and information included on your LinkedIn profile or website.

We collect technical data when you visit or interact with our website Technical data include, in particular, the browser name, the type of computer or device, time spent on the website, interaction with the services, URL of the website you visited before and after visiting the services, the time and date of user visits, surfing habits, IP address, operating system, and other similar technical information. However, we never use technical data for your identification.

We do not use automated individual decision-making, including profiling.

Legal basis and purpose for processing

We process your personal data on the following legal basis:

Whom We Share Your Data With

We do not share, disclose, or provide your personal data to any other subjects. We can share your data only with the courts, state, and other authorities to fulfill our legal obligations.

The transfer of personal data to third countries

We do not transfer your personal data to third countries outside the European Union.

How long do we store your data?

We store your personal data only if it is legally permitted and necessary for the purposes for which the data were collected. In general, we store your personal data for two years.

What are your rights?

You have the following rights:


Cookies are small pieces of data that are stored in your browser or mobile device while browsing the website. Individual cookies have different storage times on your device.

Cookies help us understand what interests you on our website, whether it is clear enough for you and you can find what you are looking for. These files may also record additional information, such as the number of website visitors and the most frequently visited pages on our website. They are also used to show you the advertisement and page content that can be relevant to you.

We use the following types of cookies:


If you think that the processing of your personal data by our company is inconsistent with the applicable data protection laws, you have the right to file a complaint with our principal supervisory authority - the Personal Data Protection Office of the Slovak Republic, with registered seat Hraničná 12, 820 07 Bratislava 27, the Slovak Republic, phone: +421 2 32 31 32 14.